Packing Tips

A Better Way to Pack 

Life is busy. Moving is a big job. And packing, well, it’s the biggest part. Thankfully, there are some simple packing tips you can use to make preparing for your home or office move with Audette’s Moving much easier and more efficient. 


Pack Less by Decluttering First

If you don’t need it, don’t pack it. The less boxes you have to move, the better. This is your chance to declutter your life and help others by donating a few things. (A good-ol’ yard sale can be fun, too.) 


Be Basically Organized

It’s amazing what you can accomplish with a basic schedule and plan. By simply writing down what you want to accomplish and when, you can organize your space to avoid rushing later. 


Get the Right Packing Tools

Very simple packing supplies will make your life way easier. Properly sized, quality boxes. An actual tape dispenser. Bubble wrap. A couple decent markers. These are small investments with big payoff. 


Clean It Before You Pack It

Cleaning and dusting your possessions before they go into boxes makes unpacking a whole lot better. Why not wipe things down, so you can settle in sooner! 


Categorize Logically

Pulling your things together according to which room they will be placed will save you so much time on both ends of your move. It makes for fewer heavy steps for you and for us! 


Label, label, label! 

Dealing with unmarked boxes is a nightmare when you want to know where something goes, or you need it quickly. Simply, label your boxes. (And no, marking it ‘random’ doesn’t help.) 


Spend Time with Breakables

Leaving your fragile items to the last minute is a bad idea. They need a little extra love and bubble wrap. So, give yourself enough time in advance to make your breakables unbreakable during your move. Remember: Audette’s Moving can provide special protective packing material and help with delicate electronics, if you don’t have the original box. 


When In Doubt, Call Us

If packing for your move still seems overwhelming or you really don’t haven’t the time, consider Audette’s Moving  packing services. We’ll get you packed properly — in no time.